Since I turned to an advanced age, some people are treating me in unacceptable ways, and I hope that perhaps this article will at least make some people stop and listen. More than that, I hope they change their ways. What prompted this? Just recently, someone refused to get in my car if I was Continue reading “”
Wisdom Blog
This article got me out of bed tonight. It insisted that it needed to be written….. and so, it is. I have worked as a Thanatologist since the seventies. It is a bereavement specialist and I have learned valuable lessons from my patients. The most important is that people should allow themselves to grieve. Some Continue reading “”
A few weeks ago, for some reason I cannot explain, I started listening to people who love me enough to be open and honest. Some people find me challenging. I am really easy to talk with in spite of my advancing years. People think I am so wise and certainly I have learned lessons from Continue reading “”
To have a friend, one must be a friend. Of course I have been sleepless more than six times, but they haven’t always become blogs! There is no logical reason why I am sleepless. This was so insistent I had to get up and write about it. I had a wonderful day, starting with lunch Continue reading “”
Hallo again. Here I am at last and happy to be back with a new blog. It is 3a.m. Before I write anymore, I want to congratulate my web creator, Kim Krause Berg, on becoming a grandmother since I last wrote. (Thank you Yvonne! K.K.B) I had writer’s block for a while, not because I Continue reading “”
It has been quite a while since I have posted a blog because I have had writer’s block for some time. Not because I had nothing to write about, but I had too many concerns and subjects. In other words, I overwhelmed myself! In addition to all that, I have PTSD, not just from the Continue reading “”