I really do not know what happens to me when I am not feeling well. My brain does cartwheels and I have to write about situations I think about but rarely speak of. This time I have the need to write about something I loathe. I Loathe Gossip Now that’s a great opener isn’t it? Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”

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When I write a blog post I normally sit at the computer and the words run freely. This time, which is THE time, I started on four occasions to compose this piece. There are reasons. The first is that this topic is extremely painful for me and second I will be trying to explain the Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”

As Dr. Robert Ackerman wrote in his extraordinary book, Same House, Different Home, family members do not see addictions in the same light. Over the years, I found myself as an intermediary, mostly with families involved in interventions. So, when a family member told me where their votes would go, I was gob smacked. I Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”

Having worked in the field of addictions for so long, I understand there are three things that can really cause a relapse. Boredom, step 13 (inappropriate ‘love’ affairs) and resentments. Certainly I had a lot of them years ago, but no more. I am only going to take one at this time, resentments, as I Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”

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