I have heroes and heroines. Some have been in my life for years. They all play a significant part in my attitude towards life. The Dalai Lama says, “This is my simple religion. There is no need for Temples. No need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my Temples. My philosophy is Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
Category: Life Experiences
This is the fourth sleepless night in North Wales which isn’t too bad when one considers the time I have been posting blogs. Also, it is getting better and the sleep challenges have depleted. However, last night was different. It was an awareness of life as I hadn’t seen it before. It became quite clear Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
“THE OPPOSITE OF LOVE ISN’T HATE, IT’S INDIFFERENCE.“ Let me preface this piece by stating that I am sure Trump supporters are as scared of Vice President Biden as I am for their choice. I read some of the quotes from Elie Wiesel, a man who wrote 57 books, won the Nobel prize, was Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
I have had several of those lately. Have you? I lost count on how many times I started to write a blog. One was Pot Pourri – again. That didn’t work. Then I named one “Creativity in this Chaos.” Nah! Today that all changed, and I found something that touched me in an unexpected way. Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
Isn’t it strange how things just show up and bring a smile, laughter, or a message? Just recently I decided to clear my desk. I haven’t quite completed it yet as I have a habit of taking one pile of papers and making another pile. Crazy and lazy. One time I moved the keyboard and Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
Do you ever have one of those ideas and don’t know where to start writing about it, yet you know you have to? Writing isn’t only about you and your experience. It is the hope that it will help someone else with their challenges. However, this is all about me and if you get Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”