On February 26, I flew out from Philadelphia International on my Aunt Birdie’s eighty-seventh birthday. Because I rarely sleep on planes I had time to think about her and the nature of my visit. Obviously I wanted to see her but it was more than that. She was an icon of warmth, unconditional love and Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”

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I bless the day that the remarkable Bill Wilson, together with Dr. Bob, counseled a third drunk and Alcoholics Anonymous was born.  It is hard to believe there was a time when there was no AA. Now there are many offshoots of this incredible worldwide program, all of which are very necessary. So, in due Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”

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