My little cat, Della, was not feeling well. She is John’s cat and regardless of some people’s cynicism, I know both she and Daisy, the other cat, are still looking for him. After all, he was with them all the time. Now they are frequently on their own. When Della was first unwell, it was Continue reading “”

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I really do not know what happens to me when I am not feeling well. My brain does cartwheels and I have to write about situations I think about but rarely speak of. This time I have the need to write about something I loathe. I Loathe Gossip Now that’s a great opener isn’t it? Continue reading “”

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Having worked in the field of addictions for so long, I understand there are three things that can really cause a relapse. Boredom, step 13 (inappropriate ‘love’ affairs) and resentments. Certainly I had a lot of them years ago, but no more. I am only going to take one at this time, resentments, as I Continue reading “”

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