Having battled writer’s block for several months, the Universe relented and here I am. Usually writer’s block is described as people looking at a blank screen or notepaper. The opposite applies to me. I have too much to write about. An idea jumps into action and before I can write the title, ten more attack Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
Author: cre8pc
When I write a blog post I normally sit at the computer and the words run freely. This time, which is THE time, I started on four occasions to compose this piece. There are reasons. The first is that this topic is extremely painful for me and second I will be trying to explain the Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
I bless the day that the remarkable Bill Wilson, together with Dr. Bob, counseled a third drunk and Alcoholics Anonymous was born. It is hard to believe there was a time when there was no AA. Now there are many offshoots of this incredible worldwide program, all of which are very necessary. So, in due Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”