Dr. Yvonne Kaye
Highly Respected by Both Mental Health and Addiction Professionals
Mother, grandmother, storyteller, writer, published author, thanatologist, humourist and former Philadelphia radio show personality, Dr. Yvonne Kaye has been involved with people since 1951 in her native England.
Dr. Kaye has been in field of human service for many years, encountering extraordinary people whose courage has amazed her. Her passion is offering enrichment in life, mentally and emotionally, to those who have no concept of their own creativity.
A survivor of the Second World War, she uses her experiences in working with people in emotional pain, grief and loss, believing in the spiritual power of humor as a healing tool.
“Sometimes we talk ourselves out of doing something healing for ourselves. We’re too busy, too tired. But that is when we most need to take care of ourselves. Listen to your heart. What does it want? Listen to your body. What does it need? Trust what you hear.” — Dr. Yvonne Kaye

The Wisdom Blog

The Wisdom Blog
Yvonne tells stories in her Facebook page. She welcomes feedback and loves hearing from you.
- OwlThis title comes from one of those things on Facebook that ask you to choose certain letters or numbers and come up with a likeness or something to that affect. I rarely do them as it gives information I don’t want shared but this time, it hit home. I AM AN Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
- Night Owl So here is the question I have for you. I want to change my profession. You might be thinking, at your age? The answer is yes, at my age. Let me tell you a story.
- Sleepless in North Wales Number SevenGood morning, It is 4.15 am Monday morning August 6th. I am awake. The reason I wrote 7 on the title is because it is the seventh time I have written about this. I haven’t read the other six but I do know that each time it is different. This time Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
- ChangeI just realised that I don’t like change. The way I discovered this was somewhat unique in a way. Here are two examples. First, I was in two car accidents within four weeks of one another. I had never had an accident before except a minor one on the famous Boulevard Continue reading “https://www.yvonnekayewisdom.com/wp-content/themes/gridd”
Bereavement Specialist
She is known nationally and internationally for her work in bereavement, especially working with families who have lost children to death. They inspire her. Yvonne was gifted with the ability to listen and therefore she is a perpetual student of human beings, their courage, resilience, humor when nothing seems funny and when it is. What she will offer is an open mind, an honest interaction and the wisdom of being a lecturer, professor, therapist, thanatologist, and addictionist for many years.

Curl up in a comfy chair, grab a cup of tea and treat yourself to her story telling, observations, lessons, and the occasional naughty word.
“Being kind is more important than being right. Most times, what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks, rather, they need a patient heart that listens.” — Dr. Yvonne Kaye
Inspiration and Hope
Yvonne Kaye, The Maverick
“The work of Dr. Yvonne Kaye is highly respected by both mental health and addiction professionals. She is a gift to the field and especially those who are trying to work through grief and addictions. Her work touches and teaches all of us.” Robert Ackerman
Ph.D. Indiana University of Pa. MAATI Addiction